Questions You May Have On Oxygen Bars?

What is an oxygen bar?

An oxygen bar offers non-medical oxygen mixed with various scents including aromatherapy. Consumers sit at one of the oxy/aroma delivery stations while wearing a disposable nasal cannula. They are instructed to breathe normally and relax as they choose one of the therapeutic oxygen aromas such as mandarin orange, lavender, eucalyptus or rosemary mint. The air we normally breathe contains about 21% oxygen the rest is Nitrogen, Argon and other trace gasses. The oxygen from our Oasis Oxygen Bar is between 92% and 98% oxygen allowing the customer to breathe 4 to 5 times the normal amount of oxygen.

How does it make you feel?

Breathing higher concentration of oxygen has several benefits; the most commonly reported benefits are increased energy, and an uplifted refreshed feeling, clearing of the mind, relief of toxic headaches such as the hangover relief of stress and promotion of higher concentration levels. Oxygen is also a proven detoxifier and has anti-aging properties.

Where do you get the oxygen?

The oxygen in oxygen bars comes from self-contained machines called oxygen concentrators (non-medical), not high-pressure cylinders, so our products are completely safe. All of our equipment is compliant with the FDA and our oxygen generators are CSA and CE approved.

Is breathing oxygen at an oxygen bar harmful?

There are no risks and no adverse effects with the short-term use of oxygen. The American Lung Association has said that breathing oxygen from an oxygen bar for less than 30 minutes (one oxygen bar session) has no harmful effects and there is no evidence that oxygen used in bars can be dangerous to a normal person’s health. Our oxygen equipment is safe and healthy.

Are Oxygen bars legal?

Yes, there is no law in the U.S. that prohibits oxygen bars from operating as long as the oxygen bars follow very simple guidelines set forth by the FDA. These guidelines include using NO medical equipment or medical supplies and making NO medical claims. Recreational oxygen falls under the Supplemental Act of 1994.

Do you need special licensing?

No oxygen bars are strictly for entertainment and not for medical or therapeutic use. All components of our oxygen bars are non-medical and as such require no special licenses or certifications.

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